Tuesday, February 1, 2011

One Hundredth Day Fun

It's Day 100!

Hooray! Hooray! It's the 100th Day!

It's absolutely amazing to consider, but we finally made it to our 100th day of school...so...we had to celebrate with a "One-Hundred-ful" Party!

We began day 100 by creating special shirts for all the munchkins to wear all day long.  They had a great time adding their own special touches, including their names on the back.  It was even more fun when they realized they could put them on over their uniforms so everyone would know we were celebrating!

 To go along with our new shirts, each munchkin received a 100th day hat and then we all made a 100th day flag.  That took a little more time than they originally thought it would.  It takes a while to write the numbers 1 - 100 doesnt' it?

 (Especially when your teacher actually makes you do it twice in one day!)

Such troopers!

These hard working munchkins were rewarded with some yummy stuff in the afternoon!  They had the chance to create their own 100th day trail mix. 

Everyone counted 10 pieces of 10 different snacks to put into their bags to take home.  We had cheerios, raisins, chocolate chips, fruit loops, white chocolate chips, pretzels, butterscotch chips, peanut butter puffs, mini marshmallows, and oyster crackers.  Yum!

We mixed all the leftovers into a big bowl to munch on, along with....

our cake!

Happy 100th Day of School!

Until next time...
Mrs. D.

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