Sunday, April 22, 2012

Young Authors

Meet Our Authors

Springtime is always the perfect time for our annual Young Authors Showcase.  This was our 6th year of celebrating the fabulous writing that our kindergarten curriculum produces.

The munchkins worked very hard for several weeks to create an original story.  They used a graphic organizer to prepare their ideas, setting up their characters, settings, as well as sequencing a beginning, middle and end.  They also use the graphic to determine what type of problem / solution their plots will have.

After the story is organized, the munchkins work on putting together the sentences necessary to make it all come together.  Many of them choose a pattern to follow, giving their stories predictability and cohesion.

The munchkins love the next step...the computer lab!  Everyone discovers the fun of publishing the story using the computer.  Each munchkin chooses his or her own font, type size and font color. 


After the stories and published and printed, they are illustrated. 

Parents and special VIPs are invited to the school for our Showcase in which the munchkins read their stories aloud to the audience.  This year was a huge success!

What a fantastic group of Young Authors!

Congratulations, Munchkins!

Until next time...
Mrs. D.

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