Carle's Caterpillars
To end our year, we fill the last five weeks with fun Eric Carle characters. Our first week was spent with The Very Hungry Caterpillar...
And, oh, what fun!
Although this was a story that most of the munchkins knew already, they loved using all the retelling pieces and rug toys that went with it.
We had so much fun with all sorts of literacy activities...
ordering the caterpillar's munchies by for each day of the week...
writing our own sentences about what the caterpillar ate...
and making word caterpillars.
Some long.
Some longer.
And some longest!
Some even the same size!
We made some other interesting little caterpillars, too.
One was an addition caterpillar.
Another was a cute little pom caterpillar.
And then there were these guys!
Too cute!
And what a great place to store all the story pieces so the munchkins could retell it at home.
The high point of this week, however, was learning all about real caterpillars. We created a great lap book (one that we will add to each week with a different insect). Our lap book included a diagram of a caterpillar body, a mini-book about what caterpillars really eat, a petal book of vocabulary word and a journal. The munchkins also created a beautifully written paragarph about all the new things they learned about caterpillars. This was a perfect addition to the center of the lap book.
The journal was used to record the growth of our REAL caterpillar larva.
The munchkins loved observing and drawing what they saw in the larva cup and they can't wait to see what happens over the next few weeks.
Our week ended, as always, with a terrific snack.
The munchkins love to try to guess what we will be making.
No surprise this week!
The munchkins had fun putting this one together. The recipe included all the parts of the caterpillar body that the munchkins have learned about this week, including spiracles, setea, and tentacles.
And, I must say, they all had interesting personalities when completed!
Plus, they tasted great!
It was a great ending to a fun-filled week. Now we prepare for the next stage of metamorphosis...
Until next time...
Mrs. D.