Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wonderful Readers

Wonderful Readers

The munchkins began small group reading this week and boy has it been a hit!  Normally we don't start this until closer to Christmas, but this group has kind of taken off and done it one their who am I to argue!  We mix and match partners and have special, fun little reading spots throughout the room.  The munchkins love gathering with their small group and finding a fun way to read the selection they have.  Will they all read it at once?  Or maybe take turns with each page?  Could be that one person reads the whole book while the rest of the group listens.  Sometimes they even take turns reading each WORD on each page! Now that is a creative way to read...but reading none-the-less!  And this group is a great group of readers. 

"In went the duck."
"Go to bed!"
"I see frogs.  Do you?"
"I see a pig on the farm."

Our emergent stories are fantastic for praticing all those skills that the munchkins are getting so good at using:  left to right sweep, 1:1 word matching, sight word recognition, using picture clues to decode unknow words, and attending to punctuation for voice inflection.  Not to's just plain fun!

I can't wait to see what they are reading in March!

Until next time,
Mrs. D.

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