Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ash Wednesday

We Rise Again From Ashes

We began our Lenten season today with Mass together to receive our ashes.  It was interesting to see the reaction of all the munchkins when Father stepped out of the sacristy wearing his violet vestment.  We have been talking about this change so much the past weeks that it was nice to see they remembered when they saw him. 

After our Mass, we spent the day exploring Ash Wednesday. 

What did Father say to us when we received the ashes?
What are the ashes made out of?
When can we take them off?
Why do we get them in the first place?

It is always beautiful to listen to the innocent and trusting discussions that come from little ones that are still so new from God.  They have such a wonderful and simple faith!

We made a neat project that went home today.  Each munchkin created a cut paper version of his or her own face. 

It's always fun to see what color hair and eyes they choose for themselves!

Each munchkin made sure there was an ashen cross on the forehead.
Can you see the little tell-tale signs on the munchkins, too!  A definite testament to what day we did these projects!

And then everyone wrote those words...
"Remember you are dust."

That was a great lesson on how to break apart a big word into syllables in order to spell it correctly.  Most of the munchkins were able to spell it conventionally all on their own:  re-mem-ber.
Piece of cake!

They turned out very nicely.

(Love the orange hair!)

As everyone finished, there was the opportunity to complete a coloring page too.  Most of the boys did it even though it was of a little girl getting her ashes.  My favorite part was that everyone remembered to make the cuff of the priest violet!

"She looks just like me!"
(even down to the colors in the headband!)

Many blessings to all of you as you begin your Lenten Journey.
May it bring you closer to Jesus through the Cross.

Until next time...
Mrs. D.

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